I'm having one of those days today. I vented to my husband, and picked up a client call I probably shouldn't have. Only because I was frustrated and she uses the phrase 'I don't think that's unreasonable, do you?'. The tactful answer is no, of course it's not unreasonable for you to not check your email, and call 18 times a day to check on the response, tell me the deadline is tomorrow, and you think that networking requires too much energy. On days when you shouldn't speak to others, otherwise known as #ineedavacation, the answer is I sent the email, and yes, I get that your business is important to you, but you are focusing on this one thing today, which is already completed and you have already accepted and approved, and asking about several others when we haven't scheduled a meeting even to discuss them and what you think the ROI is.
See the difference? Tact, and no tact. One is fully rested and in a positive frame of mind, and the other is #ineedavacation. There's no harm in recognizing that some times it's just not a good day to speak to others. Knowing who you are and how you communicate will help you in your day-to-day relationships. Don't get me wrong, there are some days and some situations you won't be able to control, and in those cases it may be better to follow Abe Lincoln's advice: "It is better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak out and remove all doubt."
In a business environment, it's hard to do that. In meetings, you're called upon for your opinion, and remaining silent is disadvantageous to your mission or goal. In the many corporate meetings I have attended, however, it's easy enough if it's not a strategic meeting to jot down thoughts and questions, give them some thought and set them aside for a couple of hours, and then discuss them via email. The method may be a little delayed, but it gives you the opportunity to figure out if you need a vacation or can speak intelligently without allowing the frustration to come shining on through.
And I do hope you have minimal days where you are in the #ineedavacation frame of mind.